Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can arise following exposure to an exceptionally distressing event that surpasses the typical range of stressors. Such events, e.g. childhood trauma, violent personal assaults, natural or man-made disasters, accidents, combat, and various forms of violence, have the potential to trigger PTSD. It is worth noting that encounters with these events are not uncommon, with a lifetime prevalence of PTSD estimated at 6.8%.
In search for more options, numerous research trials and case reports have been supporting the innovative role of Ketamine infusion for the treatment of PTSD. For example, The American Journal of Psychiatry, which is is the official journal of the American Psychiatric Association published a randomized control trial in Jan 5, 2021. The results showed significantly positive response from Ketamine. 67% of participants in the ketamine group were treatment responders, compared with 20% in the controlled midazolam group. Among ketamine responders, the median time to loss of response was 27.5 days following the 2-week course of infusions. Ketamine infusions were well tolerated overall, without serious adverse events. Read more…
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